Discovered only
within the last fifty years, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are oxygen derived
free radicals found in both intra- and extracellular space. Common forms of ROSinclude superoxide anion (O2-), hydroxyl radical (OH-), and peroxide (O2-2),each classified as free radicals, due to the presence of an extra unpaired
electron carried in their outer shell, giving each species paramagnetic
As metabolic by-products within normal physiological processes,
such as the mitochondrial electron transport chain, ROS highly reactive nature
arms them with the capability to damage surrounding cells-- irrespective of
cell type . Consequently, if the magnitude of derived ROS exceeds the host’s
capacity to detoxify the reactive intermediates--via antioxidants--then the
physiological system is said to be under oxidative stress. Read more>>>>>>>
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