Monday, 8 May 2017

Importance of Gender Effect in Cardiovascular Pharmacology

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) including stroke is the leading cause of death and disability worldwide and an enormous economic burden to our societies. The total direct and indirect cost in the US alone for treatment of CVD (hospitalization, drugs, home healthcare, etc.) and loss ofproductivity and morbidity is estimated at close to $315 billion US per year. 

Cardiovascular Pharmacology

Thus prevention by improving diagnosis and drug treatment strategies could provide a huge saving for the health care cost worldwide. The importance of gender effect in the management of CVD has long been recognized such that mortality and morbidity are higher in women than men. Compared to men, women tend to develop significant CVD later in life, but their prognosis are considerably poorer and it is now the leading cause of death in elderly women. Read more>>>>>>>>>

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