65 year old male presented with chest pain, sweating and uneasiness for four
hours and diagnosed as unstable angina. There was no history of hypertension
diabetes mellitus or dyslipidemia.
On general physical examination, pulse rate
was 102 per minute, BP 140/86 mm of Hg, respiratory rate 18 per minute jugular
venous pulse was normal. Auscultation of the heart and lung was unremarkable.
Electrocardiogram showed ST segment depression of 2 mm in leads I, II, aVL, aVF
and V3 to V6 with ST segment elevation in lead aVR.
Two dimensional
echocardiography revealed concentric left ventricular hypertrophy, normal left
ventricular function, no regional wall motion abnormality, mild mitral and
tricuspid regurgitation and normal chamber dimension. Hematological
investigation and routine bio-chemistry were also normal. Read More>>>>>>